Bootstrap 4 Minimal Website Template

Bootstrap 4 Minimal Website Template

Features -

  • HTML file with full template, fully documented.
  • SaSS/CSS files, fully documented
  • Typicons free-to-use vector icons embedded in a webfont for easy use in your user interfaces, whether it be on the web or in a native application
  • Animate SASS: a Sass version of Dan Eden's Animate.css.
  • Headroom to hide your navbar until you need it.
  • Velocity.js provides accelerated javaScript animation.
  • All images used with their credits
  • Bootstrap 4 the most popular front-end framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
  • Lazy loading of images to improve performance by loading visible media elements only.
  • One 'all-in-one' file for CSS and one for Javascript to improve loading perfomance:
    • Stylesheet.js 128kb(minified) 20kb (gzip)
    • Application.js 180kb(minified) 58kb (gzip)
  • Please be aware, this is not a Wordpress template/theme.

Credits -

Milk is built 100% in Bootstrap, but we sprinkled it with other stuff to making it extra yummy:

### Icons

### Others

[maxbutton id="1" url="" text="Demo & Purchase"]

Bootstrap 4 Minimal Website Template <

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