5 Best Joker Quotes From The Dark Knight Movie

5 Best Joker Quotes From The Dark Knight Movie

Heath Ledger's Joker will always be a cinematic masterpiece. Checkout 5 Best Joker Quotes From The Dark Knight :

1. "Guns are too quick..."

5 Best Joker Quotes From The Dark Knight Movie

Joker taunts Detective Stephens while in "interrogation," explaining why he uses knives instead of guns:

Do you want to know why I use a knife? Guns are too quick. You can’t savor all the… little emotions. In… you see, in their last moments, people show you who they really are. So in a way, I know your friends better than you ever did. Would you like to know which of them were cowards?

2. "If you are good at something, never do it for free..."

Best Joker Quotes - If you are good at something, never do it for free

After a crashing a meeting of the various mob bosses, discussing what to do about Batman (and after an awesome quote in and of itself, where he does a "magic trick" by making a pencil disappear by driving it into the eye of one of the mob boss' underling), Joker suggests his solution for their problems - simply kill Batman. They laugh and tell him, "If it's so simple, why haven't you done it already?" and he replies...

If you're good at something, never do it for free.

3. "Do I look like a guy with a plan?"

Joker Quotes

During a time where he is dressed as a nurse in a hospital, Joker explains his chaotic nature well..

Do I really look like a guy with a plan? You know what I am? I'm a dog chasing cars. I wouldn't know what to do with one if I caught it! You know, I just...DO things.

4. "We're destined to do this forever..."

Best Joker Quotes Images

At the end of the film, it is now Joker who is dangling near death. He taunts Batman, while accurately describing their dynamic.

Oh, you. You just couldn’t let me go, could you? This is what happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object. You are truly incorruptible, aren’t you? Huh? You won’t kill me out of some misplaced sense of self-righteousness. And I won’t kill you because you’re just too much fun. I think you and I are destined to do this forever.

5. "I'm not a monster..."

Joker From The Dark Knight

Joker and Batman have a confrontation, at which point Joker explains to him that he isn't trying to kill Batman, Batman "completes him." Batman rebukes him, calling him a monster. The Joker tries to explain otherwise:

To them, you're just a freak, like me! They need you right now, but when they don't, they'll cast you out, like a leper! You see, their morals, their code, it's a bad joke. Dropped at the first sign of trouble. They're only as good as the world allows them to be. I'll show you. When the chips are down, these... these civilized people, they'll eat each other. See, I'm not a monster. I'm just ahead of the curve.

5 Best Joker Quotes From The Dark Knight Movie

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