Nvidia Tesla v100 Wiki & Features
Nvidia Tesla v100 Wiki
About Nvidia Tesla v100 :
Nvidia Tesla is Nvidia's brand name for their products targeting stream processing or general-purpose GPU. Products use GPUs from the G80 series onward. Nvidia Tesla v100 is the most advanced data center GPU ever built to accelerate AI, HPC, and graphics.
Nvidia Tesla v100 Features:
It’s powered by NVIDIA Volta architecture, comes in 16 GB and 32 GB configurations, and offers the performance of up to 100 CPUs in a single GPU.
With 640 Tensor Cores, Tesla V100 is the world’s first GPU to break the 100 teraFLOPS (TFLOPS) barrier of deep learning performance.
Tesla V100 is engineered for the convergence of AI and HPC.
Nvidia Tesla V100 GPU delivers 47X higher inference performance than a CPU server.
Tesla V100 GPUs can replace hundreds of commodity CPU-only servers for both traditional HPC and AI workloads.