As a Vegetarian, How can I obtain Vitamin B12?

As a Vegetarian, How can I obtain Vitamin B12?

First of all, remove this myth from your mind that, only by eating non-veg, all the nutrients are available. This is absolutely a lie. You also get all the nutrients from fruits and green vegetables, and a good amount of them in turmeric form. Drink milk, eat curd, cheese, cheese, beetroot, buttermilk, carrots, potatoes, and soybeans by pressing them. Begin right away. Their deficiency can lead to serious illness, so do not ignore it.

Vegetarians can consume milk and curd to meet the deficiency of vitamin B12. People following a vegetarian diet can consume the leaves of common garden cress in the form of salads, chutneys, and sandwiches.  It can also be consumed in the form of soup and decoction. Let us tell you that the amount of vitamin B12 is found in the leaves of the common garden cress herb.

As a Vegetarian, How can I obtain Vitamin B12?

As a Vegetarian, How can I obtain Vitamin B12?

This has been proven in the year 2018 by a team of researchers led by Professor Martin Warren of the University of Kent. Research has found that the common garden cress plant has the ability to absorb B vitamins. Vitamin B12 is present in sufficient quantity in the leaves of this plant.

Common Garden Cress or Pepper Grass is known in Ayurveda as Chandrashoor Seed, Halim, and Halo herb in hilly regions. The special thing is that it comes from the mustard species. Its leaves are used to make sandwiches and soups more flavorful.

Every day, I drink Jira water. There is a risk of anemia due to a lack of vitamin B12. The iron present in Jira will relieve anemia as well as fatigue and stress. Drink ginger water daily. Ginger is also a good source of vitamin B12. Consuming it regularly helps in healing your digestive system. A breakfast cereal can be a good source of vitamin B12, especially if it's fortified. This serial is easily digested. This type of liquid substance provides vitamins to the body. Oats, Ragi etc. are good sources of this.

As a Vegetarian, How can I obtain Vitamin B12?

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