Why do the legs hurt after the release of sperm?

Health: Why do the legs hurt after the release of sperm? This doesn’t happen to everyone. Your body needs more calcium and magnesium to make new sperm. An excess of lactic acid causes fatigue. Lack of calcium causes pain in the feet. So focus on nutrition.

When we eat food, first of all, juice is formed from that food. Blood is formed from the juice. Blood makes flesh; flesh makes fat. Bone is made from fat. Bones make marrow, and marrow makes sperm. You must have understood that, after so many stages, sperm is produced, and if someone has sexual intercourse again and again, then there will be a loss of sperm. Due to excessive loss of sperm, the body suffers because the body’s strength will be lost to some extent.

Why do the legs hurt after the release of sperm?

Why do the legs hurt after the release of sperm?

If the amount of sperm remains in the body, then it strengthens the body. If there is too much destruction of semen, then the first effect will be on the marrow. The other will fall on the bone. In mating posture, the muscles get tired due to being in sexual intercourse for a long period. The effect of which remains in the form of pain even the next day. It is similar to that. Some days you work more in the office, then you get more tired, the next day you feel pain when you wake up in the morning.

Lack of physical fitness: even though yoga originated in our country, regular exercise is still not a part of our lifestyle. In particular, women are unable to exercise due to the busyness of home and office. Men give more importance to work and are unable to take care of their bodies. Sex is an intense physical activity. If the body is working harder than its capacity, then it is necessary to increase the physical capacity through regular exercise and good eating habits. Consult a physiotherapist to learn the proper individual exercises.

Why do the legs hurt after the release of sperm?

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