Body language and gestures: their significance

During public speaking exercises, the significance of body language movements is highlighted even more. People can read your body language to infer your attitude, confidence, and whatever else you desire. Sometimes, despite your incapacity to express yourself vocally, the people around you will appear to understand because you just revealed yourself non-verbally through your body language.

Body language is a method of communication where physical actions are utilised to express or transmit information rather than words. These behaviours involve the utilisation of space, touch, eye movement, gestures, and facial expressions.

Positive body language examples

  • Eye contact.
  • Head nod
  • Minimal expressions on the face
  • Solid handshake.
  • Upright, open stance.
  • Body movement
  • Speaking while slouching (and listening).

Body language and gestures: their significance

Body language and gestures: their significance

Keep your eyes together. Maintaining eye contact might demonstrate that you are interested in and paying attention to what someone is saying. All people utilise one of four gestures to convey their body language: precise and bold, dynamic and determined, soft and fluid, or light and bouncy. Each of the movements has a different significance and relates to one of the four sources of energy.

Therefore, body language can reveal whether a person is feeling nervous, angry, excited, or any other emotion. It could also allude to character attributes (i.e., whether someone is shy or outgoing). However, nonverbal cues might be deceiving. It depends on a person’s state of mind, level of energy, and external factors.

Author: Ruchi Raj

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