How can I solve my stomach's gas problem?

The main reason for the formation of gas is the weakness of the intestines. The gas in the stomach is neither able to push the digested food forward nor is it able to absorb hormones and digestive juices. People drink water while eating food because it is their habit. Due to this habit, gas can be formed in the intestines. Never drink water while eating or immediately after eating. Some people sit down immediately after eating food, and because of this, the food starts doing harm instead of good.

If you often get gas, then avoid eating cabbage, broccoli, and kidney beans. Also avoid eating foods like peanuts, potatoes, and noodles. You can start drinking mint tea. Grind black salt and asafoetida into onion juice and consume it. This will get rid of gas. Drinking apple vinegar mixed with lukewarm water gives instant relief from gas.

Take one spoonful of lemon juice and ginger, then add some black salt to it and eat it after eating. Eat ajwain powder with warm water; it can provide relief from gas and indigestion. Only the homeopathic method provides a precise treatment for gas.The treatment of gas in homeopathy is done in this way. Giving medicine to heal the liver so that bile enzymes are produced in the right amount. can absorb all the enzymes and digestive juices and can push the food that comes into the intestines forward.

How can I solve my stomach's gas problem?

How can I solve my stomach’s gas problem?

The weakness of the intestines should go away, and they should start working properly. giving medicine to remove stomach weakness so that the right amount of acid is produced. Giving medicine to the pancreas so that it can secrete the right amount of hormones and enzymes Finally, medicine is given to remove the weakness of the muscles of the anus so that it can function properly.

Due to the complexity of the problems, solving them takes about 6 months.After this, the patient’s gas problem, constipation, acidity, and indigestion problems all get cured. In these 6 months, the patient will also have to practice complete abstinence.

Constipation (Kabj) can also be caused by weakness of the stomach. Constipation is also caused by weakness of the intestines.
Constipation is caused by the weakness of the muscles of the anus and the stiffness of their muscles. This happens due to the weakness of the liver. The reason homeopathy takes longer is because it affects a whole range of stomach problems.

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