How Henry Cavill's Love of Gaming Almost Cost Him His Career

Fun Fact: How Henry Cavill‘s Love of Gaming Almost Cost Him His Career?

The first time Henry Cavill got a call about playing Superman, he missed it because he was busy playing World of Warcraft.

That’s right! Henry Cavill missed Zack Snyder’s first call about playing Superman. This is because he was in a World of Warcraft raid. He saw the call come in, but he didn’t want to bail on his teammates, so he chose to let it go to voicemail. When he finally listened to the voicemail, he realized Snyder calling to offer him the role. He called Snyder back immediately, and the rest is history.

Henry Cavill on Instagram

How a Video Game Almost Cost Henry Cavill His Dream Role

How Henry Cavill’s Love of Gaming Almost Cost Him His Career

Cavill revealed that he is not too upset about missing the first call because he believes that everything happens for a reason. He said he wouldn’t be the actor he is today if he hadn’t played World of Warcraft. Cavill also developed his gaming skills. He also said that Snyder called him back, because he always loved Superman.

Celebrities and their Lifestyle: I think it’s pretty funny that Cavill missed the call about playing Superman because he was playing World of Warcraft. It’s a reminder that even superheroes have hobbies, and that sometimes those hobbies can get in the way of their careers. But in the end, everything worked out for Cavill, and he got to become one of the most iconic superheroes of all time.

Henry Cavill's Gaming Habit Almost Cost Him the Role of Superman

I think it’s also a reminder that we should all be careful about prioritizing our time. If we focus too much on our hobbies, we might miss out on opportunities that could change our lives. If we focus too much on our careers, we might miss out on things that make us happy. The key is to find a balance between the two.

I’m glad that Cavill found a balance that allowed him to be both a talented actor and a successful gamer. I think that’s a great example for us all.

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