The Power of Jake Sully and Neytiri's Bond

Avatar Movie Series: The bond between Jake Sully and Neytiri grows stronger throughout the events of Avatar. They begin as enemies, with Jake posing as a spy for the humans and Neytiri tasked with killing him. However, they soon come to respect each other, and their bond eventually blossoms into love.

The Unbreakable Bond Between Jake and Neytiri

Neytiri and Jake's relationship starts as that of a mentor and her student when Neytiri is tasked with instructing Jake in the ways of the Omatikaya. When she first saw him in the forest, she wanted to kill him, following the Na'vi's decree not to allow the Sky People anywhere near their home.

The bond between Jake and Neytiri grows stronger throughout the events of Avatar.

However, Eywa gave him a sign to spare him, allowing Jake to be admitted to the Omatikaya. At first, Neytiri was a demanding and strict teacher, but as time passes, they grow closer to one another, and a mutual attraction grows between them.

After Jake bonds with one of the ikran of the Hallelujah Mountains and passes the final test to become one of the Omatikaya people, their relationship reaches a new level.

How Jake Sully and Neytiri's Love for Each Other Helped Them Save Pandora.

The Power of Jake Sully and Neytiri's Bond

After the night of Jake's ceremony of acceptance, the two go off together to a grove of trees called the Trees of Voices, where they both choose each other as life partners and mate before Eywa. This seals their relationship for the remainder of their lives, according to the Na'vi way.

During the events leading up to the final battle with the RDA forces, their relationship is temporarily broken. Neytiri believes Jake to be a traitor after he confesses to being a spy for the RDA and rejects him from the clan, saying he "will never be one of the people."

After Jake proves his strong connection to Eywa by becoming Toruk Makto, Neytiri realizes that he is not a traitor to the Na'vi but has instead risked his life to ally himself with them. Neytiri is first stunned by Jake's loyalty and love for her and the people, but she regains her love for him as she says "I see you".

The Power of Jake Sully and Neytiri's Bond

Jack Sully and Neytiri Bond Grows Stronger

Jake displays his love for her by distracting Colonel Quaritch from killing her while she lays pinned by the body of her tormentor. Neytiri shows her love for Jake on two separate occasions. First, she saves his avatar's life from an enraged Tsu'tey when the link is halted by Quaritch.

Later on, she saves both his human and avatar bodies from Quaritch by not only killing the Colonel but also by placing an oxygen mask on Jake's human face after he nearly suffocates in Pandora's atmosphere.

After Jake regains consciousness, Neytiri begins to shed tears of joy while holding the human Jake in her arms. As Jake goes through the consciousness transfer, she watches over both his human and avatar bodies up until the point where he wakes up as a Na'vi.

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