Foreign Currency Reserves (in billion)
Foreign Currency Reserves (in billion)
Description - Foreign exchange reserves :
Foreign-exchange reserves is money or other assets held by a central bank or other monetary authority so that it can pay its liabilities if needed, such as the currency issued by the central bank, as well as the various bank reserves deposited with the central bank by the government and other financial institutions.
Foreign Currency Reserves (in billion) :
China: 3140 B
Japan: 1210 B
Switzerland: 770 B
Saudi Arabia: 480 B
Hong Kong: 430 B
India: 400 B
South Korea: 390 B
Russia: 370 B
Brazil: 360 B
Singapore: 290 B
In other words :
Foreign exchange reserves are reserve assets held by a central bank in foreign currencies, used to back liabilities on their own issued currency as well as to influence monetary policy.